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Your Free Credit Repair Guide
Hi there!
I'm Deana and I started Organik Credit as a resource to provide others with quick and easy ways to get a head start on building and managing credit as well as make fixes to bad credit decisions from the past.
My past with credit was once a love- hate relationship. I have seen and been through it all. At one point in my life, my credit score lingered at 510 and it was then that i made a decision to have excellent credit. I worked my way out and quickly skyrocketed my credit score to 750 and never looked back since.
I did not have an opportunity while growing up to learn much about financial management and more importantly, about credit. Lacking that knowledge really leaves you exposed to making mistakes. My hope for you is that the material provided here can help you on your credit journey and allow you to make the best independent financial decisions in order to reach your goals.
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